Great Lakes St. Lawrence Regional Body


All resolutions are reviewed and approved during public meetings of the Compact Council.  Compact Council agendas and meeting summaries can be found on the Meetings page.


Resolution #33--Election of Chair and Vice-Chair

Resolution #32--Adoption of Fiscal Year 2017 Budget



Resolution #31--Election of Chair and Vice-Chair

Resolution #30--Affirmation of Basin-Wide Conservation and Efficiency Objectives

Resolution #29--Adoption of Draft Fiscal Year 2016 Budget



Resolution #28--Adoption of Amended Memorandum of Understanding

Resolution #27--Adoption of By-Laws

Resolution #26--Election of Chair and Vice-Chair

Resolution #25--Adoption of Fiscal Year 2015 Budget (July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015)



Resolution #24--Election of Chair and Vice-Chair

Resolution #23--Adoption of Fiscal Year 2014 Budget (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)



Resolution #22--Election of Chair and Vice-Chair

Resolution #21--Modification of Water Use Reporting Protocols

Resolution #20--Adoption of Fiscal Year 2013 Budget (July 1, 2012-June 30, 2013)

Resolution #19--Secretary

Resolution #18--Adoption of Fiscal Year 2012 Budget--(July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012) adopted on August 4, 2011)



Resolution #17--Election of Chair and Vice-Chair (adopted on December 8, 2010)

Resolution #16--Adoption of Records Retention Policy (adopted on December 8, 2010)

Resolution #15--Adoption of Access to Records Policy (adopted on December 8, 2010)

Resolution #14--Adoption of Secretariat Memorandum of Understanding (adopted on December 8, 2010)

Resolution #13--Adoption of Interim Guidance (adopted on June 10, 2010) (NOTE--INTERIM GUIDANCE AS ADOPTED ATTACHED)

Resolution #12--Adoption of Fiscal Year 2011 Budget--(July 1, 2010-June 30, 2011) (adopted on June 10, 2010)



Resolution #11--Election of Chair and Vice Chair (adopted on December 8, 2009)

Resolution #10--Adoption of Fiscal Year 2010 Budget--Third and Fourth Quarters (January 1-June 30, 2010) (adopted on December 8, 2009)

Resolution #9--Adoption of Water Use Reporting Protocols (adopted on December 8, 2009)

Resolution #8--Adoption of FY2010 Budget--Second Quarter (October 1-December 31, 2009) (adopted September 22, 2009)

Resolution #7--Creation of Advisory Committee (adopted June 17, 2009)

Resolution #6--Adoption of FY2010 Budget--First Quarter (July1-September 30, 2009) (adopted June 17, 2009)



Resolution #5--Adoption of Basin-Wide Conservation and Efficiency Objectives (adopted December 8, 2008)

Resolution #4--Rules & Regulations Committee (adopted December 8, 2008)

Resolution #3--Executive Director and Secretariat (adopted December 8, 2008)

Resolution #2--Adoption of By-Laws and Interim Guidance (adopted December 8, 2008)

Resolution #1--Election of Chair & Vice Chair (adopted December 8, 2008)

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